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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Tsunami and Hurricane Relief With Satellite Internet

Starting with last year, we saw the devastation caused by the Tsunami. Entire communities were wiped out, leaving people in remote areas without any way to access the world to ask for help. Then, Katrina hit, again, causing such massive destruction, followed by Rita. The result has been cable and DSL service being completely obliterated, with much of it still down. This means people are still in the Mississippi and Louisiana areas without connection to the outside world.

While satellite internet technology can help in a number of situations, this is by far one of the most beneficial. The reason is that unlike traditional internet technology, satellite internet does not use cables. Instead, satellite internet uses a small, 2-way satellite dish.

For the survivors of natural disasters, this means with just two to three hours of labor, a connection to the outside world is made. Although the technology is high-tech, the price can be very affordable. This means people in these devastated areas can still use computers to reach family and friends, letting them know their safety status without it cost a fortune.

Satellite internet also means that police departments, fire stations, hospitals, nursing homes, and other types of businesses can reach whomever they need, no longer being isolated. The computer is connected using an Ethernet to the satellite modem. Once connected and the satellite mini-dish in place, you will have high-speed internet access. Best of all, this connection can be made with a wireless hub, or if you prefer, a router with the satellite modem, connecting wirelessly.

Today, satellite internet service is fast and affordable. With this, individuals in remote areas that have not been able to reach outside resources any other way can connect quickly and reliably.

If you have been one of the victims of the Tsunami, Katrina, or Rita, and find that you still cannot gain access to the internet because of so much damage to the existing infrastructure, then consider satellite internet to get you up and running for a price you can afford. The service provided is exceptional, with each setup being made specifically for the customer so you have top quality service and performance. With satellite internet, you can get in touch with family and friends, making that important connection.

Satellite internet will also provide you with the means for obtaining dental, medical, education, or other types of records destroyed. You can contact people to order supplies, furniture, medication, and so on, simply by connecting to the internet. Rather than feel as if you have been forgotten and isolated because of the natural disaster, use your computer to take back control of your life, putting the pieces back together so you can move forward, not remain stuck where you are. Satellite internet can help you accomplish just that!

Jacob Minett has been in the satellite industry for over 11 years and is currently helping people get surfing via satellite internet every day. If satellite internet sounds like a solution to your problem then please visit WildBlue Satellite

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Broadband Phone - Voice Over Internet Telephone Made Cheap & Easy

Do you want to make cheap Internet phone calls with VoIP, but are tired of always having to use your computer and headphones, or possibly your favorite messenger to make phone calls online? Thought about using a broadband phone company but not sure what you need or even if your technical aptitude is up to par with such techie computer gadgets? You'll be surprised how easy installing broadband phone service really is.

No, you don't need a degree in rocket science to hook up your broadband phone service, and after about 5 minutes or less of plugging in a few cords, you'll be glad you took the time because broadband phone service is cheap. Dirt cheap! You'll quite literally save hundreds on your phone bill each and every year, even if you don't use long distance. Some broadband phone providers offer unlimited local, plus long distance for about half of what many traditional phone companies charge for local phone service alone.

You only need three things to use broadband phone service:

  • A broadband Internet connection like cable, or DSL.
  • Just a regular touch tone telephone like you have now.
  • A broadband telephone adaptor which normally is supplied with service.

If you have broadband Internet like cable, DSL, satellite, or even T1, there is no need to worry about the right kind of Internet connection or who your ISP is because it makes no difference as long as you have some form of broadband Internet. Dial-up Internet will not work, and if you're using dial-up, but are considering saving money with broadband phone service you might want to do an online price quote at for broadband Internet service since these days it can often times be as cheap or cheaper than dial-up.

No more headphones, microphones, messengers, software or even having your computer turned on to make cheap calls over the Internet! With a broadband phone service plan you can just pick up your telephone to make and receive telephone calls the same way you always have. You'll also be able to take advantage of features like caller ID, voice mail, speed dialing, auto call back, plus advanced features your traditional phone company didn't offer, like having voice mail sent to your e-mail or cell phone, or virtual phone numbers, even pick your area code so friends and family don't get a long distance charge for calling you.

Not techie? You don't have to be. Most broadband phone companies will send you a broadband phone adapter or DTA that you can install yourself in about five minutes or less. They even have online diagrams for those who want a visual interpretation, not to mention tech support. Just a few snaps of a couple wires, and sometimes a quick phone call and you're on your way to money saving bliss. Still not convinced? Then just give that computer geek you know a call to help you set it up. Once you see it done, it's so easy you'll never forget.

So why is broadband phone service so cheap? Would it surprise you to know you're traditional telephone company has been ripping you off for years? OK, so no big surprise there, but I'll give you the low down anyway. Turns out broadband phone, and traditional phone services use the exact same grid for transferring phone calls. The Internet. The difference is your traditional phone company has been charging you to send your calls to that grid, where with broadband phone service your DTA, or broadband phone adapter handles that for you and doesn't charge you a dime. You're truly just paying for the service.

Daymon Hoag is the founder of Cheapest Service where you can shop for Over Internet Phone Service

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